We provide economic tools to increase the welfare of our customers , as well as preparing them to withstand future economic crisis.

Welcome to Ascent Investments


We promise no miracles , but realistic expectations from systemic hard work.

Ascent Investments is a small , simple company born in early 2021. In the middle of an unprecedented worldwide crisis. It is in fact resilience motivating us toward the goals of preserving welfare , increasing value and preparing our customers for the future.

We manage the capital of our customers by investments through safe certified third party platforms. The investments range is as wide as the market can offer : Stocks , Commodities ,  ETF , Indexes , as well as Cryptocurrencies and more.

Ascent Investments cooperate with third party experts from different countries , with experience ranging from J.P. Morgan to Goldman Sachs. Taking advantage of a useful network of economic intelligence.

Furthermore , Ascent is a " NPO " or non-profit organization and will remain so until the 3rd quarter of 2022. No fees are charged to the customers for the time being , therefore you should take advantage of this until upcoming changes.









Is in dramatic crysis times , that we wish we were prepared.

Do not wait.

What is the value you give to your life and your future?

Why this question?

In reality , every time you save money (or you don't) , you are giving a value to your own future with the annexed projects and possible risks.

And that same value will reflect in your decisions taken today.

Therefore if your savings are zero or near zero , then we have bad news for you...

Since ancient times , humanity has gone through good times of abundance , and very dramatic times of famine and starvation.

It was not always possible to counteract negative events , but yet here we are. There's always hope for a better future , but we must not rely on hope.

Nowadays we have technology , experience and historic datas to help us alleviate negative times , or even still prosper in it.

In the past , humanity used to build big structures and/or grain containers to prepare themself from a possible negative future event.

In good times these might have looked as non essential , but in bad times these were the only hope and real reason behind the survival of many populations in the world.

Today this cycle repeats , and obviously , we must be prepared for it.Do you feel prepared? 

We are here with some options and suggestions


NOTE: The following explanation can be executed autonomously , however help and consultation on this regard is one of the main goals of the company. And it is free of charge for the time being , feel free to contact us here

Creation of a solid saving plan:

There are many reasons to save money , most importantly for those who we love and ourselves.

There are also many ways of saving money , each for every specific personal scenario. These often go very in depth in details , but we will focus on the general points which are also the most important.

You should evaluate and be ready to save immediately for your future , because now it is possible to gather resources but it is not known when you will need to sustain yourself with what you have saved.

The first strongly suggested step is to create a separate space/bank account for your savings , this will psychologically help you to contain your expenses. Aim to a simple a free online bank to save costs and have the possibility to create different spaces/accounts for example. (if you don't know which bank , or how to do it we will give you free assistance by contacting us here )

We can now focus on income :

Whether you are self employed or an employee , there's a solid formula to calculate how much you should save. In many occasions in the past it has proven to work well , and nowadays many still suggest it , by saving 1/5 of your total after tax income.

You should discipline yourself to save without a single exception , 20% of your after tax income every month. This will raise the possibility of going through bad times with good help , however it must be clear that none of these emergency savings should ever be used.

To better explain : even if you are without money ,and all you have is your emergency savings , you should not give in to temptation.

Why is that?

This is simple and brutal: today you can still borrow money or find a way , but when the bad times come around all your doors will be closed and only your savings will carry you and your loved ones!

That is why we wish you for your own well to be disciplined in saving and never use emergency savings. Have respect for your own self in the future , do not use emergency savings. These advice are precious , and free. Use them.

This being said , there are many detailed theories revolving around this mother concept. 

Below one good example taken from a strongly emerging new online bank that we positively recommend , N26 :


The 50 30 20 rule is a smart and straightforward monthly budgeting method that tells you exactly how much to put towards your savings and your living costs each month. With a clear big-picture overview of your budget for the month, you can confidently avoid overspending and consistently build up your savings—all without painstakingly recording every single transaction. 

So, ready to create a realistic budget that you can stick to? Right this way!

What is the 50 30 20 rule?

The 50 30 20 rule is an easy budgeting method that can help you to manage your money effectively, in a simple and sustainable way. The basic rule of thumb is to divide your monthly after-tax income into three spending categories: 50% for needs, 30% for wants, and 20% for savings, or paying off debt.  By regularly keeping your expenses balanced across these main spending areas, you’ll be wiser about your spending habits, and avoid overspending. And with only three major categories to track, you’ll save yourself the time and stress of digging into the details every time you spend. Sticking to the 50 30 20 rule will make it easier to stay on track to reach your financial goals, whether that’s saving up for a rainy day, or to clear existing debt.

Where did the 50 30 20 rule come from?

The 50 30 20 rule originates from the 2005 book, “All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan,” written by Elizabeth Warren, Harvard bankruptcy expert and US senator, and her daughter, Amelia Warren Tyagi. 

Referencing over 20 years of research, Warren and Tyagi echo our thoughts—to get your finances in check, you don’t need to follow a complicated budget. All you need to do is balance your money across your needs, wants, and savings goals, just by using the 50 30 20 rule. 

How does the 50 30 20 rule work?

The 50 30 20 rule simplifies budgeting by dividing your after-tax income into just three spending categories—needs, wants, and savings or debts. 

Knowing exactly how much to spend on each category will make it easier to stick to your budget, and help keep your spending in check. Here’s what your budget looks like when using the 50 30 20 rule: 

Spend 50% of your money on needs

Simply put, needs are expenses that you can’t avoid—payments for all the essentials that would be difficult to live without. 50% of your after-tax income should cover your most necessary costs.  Needs include:

  • Rent

  • Electricity and gas bills

  • Transportation

  • Insurances (for healthcare, car, or pets)

  • Minimum loan repayments

  • Basic groceries

For example, if your monthly after-tax income is €2000, €1000 should be allocated to spend on your needs. While this budget may differ from one person to another, if your total needs expenses are much higher than 50% of your take-home income, Warren suggests making some changes that could lead to a healthier financial life. This could mean swapping to a different energy provider, or perhaps even looking for a cheaper apartment.

Use 30% of your money on wants

With 50% of your after-tax income taking care of your most basic needs, 30% of your after-tax income can be used to cover your wants. Wants are defined as non-essential expenses—things that you choose to spend your money on, although you could live without them if you had to. 

These include:

  • Dining out

  • Clothes shopping

  • Holidays

  • Gym membership

  • Entertainment subscriptions (Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime)

  • Groceries (other than the essentials)

Using the same example as above, if your monthly after-tax income is €2000, you can spend €600 for your wants. And if you discover that you’re spending too much on your wants, it’s worth thinking about which of those you could cut back on. 

Following the 50 30 20 rule doesn’t mean not being able to enjoy your life—it simply means being more responsible with your money by finding areas in your budget where you’re needlessly overspending. If you’re confused about whether something is a need or a want, simply ask yourself, “Could I live without this?” If yes, that’s a want, not a need. 

Stash 20% of your money for savings

With 50% of your monthly income going towards your needs and 30% allocated to your wants, the remaining 20% can be put towards achieving your savings goals, or paying back any outstanding debts. Although minimum repayments are considered needs, any extra repayments reduce your existing debt and future interest, so they are classified as savings. Consistently putting aside 20% of your pay each month can help to build a smart savings plan such as an emergency fund, a comprehensive, long-term personal financial plan, or even a downpayment on a house. If you bring home €2000 after tax each month, you could put €400 towards your savings goals. In just a year, you’ll have saved close to €5000!

How to apply the 50 30 20 rule: a step-by-step guide

So, how do you actually use the 50 30 20 rule? To put this simple budgeting rule into action, you’ll have to calculate the 50 30 20 ratio based on your income and categorize your spending. Here’s how:

1. Calculate your after-tax income

The first step to using the 50 30 20 budgeting rule is to calculate your after-tax income. If you’re a freelancer, your after-tax income will be what you earn in a month, minus your business expenses and the amount you’ve set aside for taxes. 

If you’re an employee with a steady paycheck, this will be easier—take a look at your payslip to see how much lands in your bank account each month. If your paycheck automatically deducts payments such as health insurance or pension funds, add them back in.

2. Categorize your spending for the past month 

To get a true picture of where your money goes each month, you’ll need to see how and where you’ve spent your income over the past month. Grab a copy of your bank statement for the past 30 days, or simply use the Statistics feature in your N26 app—it automatically sorts all your transactions into categories, such as Salary, Food & Groceries, or Leisure & Entertainment, and more.   Now, split all your expenses into the three categories: needs, wants, and savings. Remember, a need is an essential expense that you can’t live without, such as rent. A want is an additional luxury that you could live without, such as dining out. And savings are additional debt repayments, retirement contributions to your pension fund, or money that you’re saving for a rainy day. 

3. Evaluate and adjust your spending to match the 50 30 20 rule 

Now that you can see how much of your money goes towards your needs, wants, and savings each month, you can start to adjust your budget to match the 50 30 20 rule. The best way to do this is to assess how much you spend on your wants every month. According to the 50 30 20 rule, a want is not extravagant—it’s a basic nicety that allows you to enjoy life. As cutting back on your needs can be a complex and challenging task, it’s best to work out which of your wants you can cut back on to stay within 30% of your take-home income. The more you reduce spending on your wants, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to hit your 20% savings target.

50 30 20 rule calculator

If you’d like to crunch numbers easily, it’s worth considering an online 50 30 20 rule calculator. Nerdwallet and Moneyfit both offer online calculators that show you how much you should be putting towards your needs, wants, and savings each month, based on your after-tax income.

50 30 20 rule spreadsheet

While an online calculator can provide a general overview of your ideal 50 30 20 rule budget, a 50 30 20 rule spreadsheet is a good option if you’d like to create a more in-depth budget. Spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets and Apple Numbers all offer pre-made spreadsheet templates to help make budgeting easy. You can find plenty of free online 50 30 30 rule spreadsheets that are compatible with whichever program you’re using, to help you to reach your financial goals.


And this concludes the main part of our saving plan.

However there are a few more important things to consider , for example the Inflation.

Inflation has the potential to negatively influence our savings , by decreasing the value of the currency they are based in. It is almost certain that inflation will have a negative impact on our savings , and therefore it is wise to take countermeasures.

For this reason , or to make your emergency capital grow in a safe way , we provide specific services. You can find out more in the " Capital Increase " section  here...


Often our wishes depend on wealth.

Wealth depends on wise choises.

Wise and lifechanging choises , depend solely on you.


NOTE: The following explanation can be executed autonomously , however you should be aware that investing autonomously on your own could result in total loss of capital with disastrous consequences in your finance and personal life.Therefore you should invest only if you possess knowledge and experience and feel well above comfortable on this aspect. On the other hand , we are here to take care of this aspect and invest safely on your behalf without any action required from your side. Investment service , help and consultation on this regard is one of the main goals of the company. And it is free of charge for the time being , feel free to contact us here

The most powerful tool to increase social mobility and radically improve the financial status and wealth :

There are many reasons why this tool can be considered fundamental , a few reasons are: to counteract capital erosion caused by inflation - to have a real passive income - to avoid

negative interests of the bank - to have a second income , a " B plan " in case of job loss.

Unfortunately beside global crysis ,  betting  you future and the future of those who you love  in a single work position is comparable to a gamble at the casino:

Would you be ready to lose your job at this exact moment? Think deeply and be honest to yourself.

We can't be certain of the future , but we can prepare an escape path that can save us from unforeseen circumstances. A wise and disciplined man should always be prepared for 

events that have enough probability of taking place , and carry with them heavy consequences.

This being said , It is very reductive to describe in a few words the very large world of investments , with it's financial products and subproducts, scenarios , cycles , and so on...

Therefore you can read here the key factor first , and a more in detail -  non exhaustive explanation afterwards.

Type of investments

We can reduce to three the type of investments :


1 - Low risk , low reward (short - medium - long term)

2 - High risk , high reward (short - medium - long term)


3 - Low risk , high reward ( short - medium - long term)

The global market has different offers in different scenarios and times. By taking advantage of awareness and knowledge , a satisfactory reward can be obtained.

However investing doesn't mean to make profits only , it is about the awareness that a risk ( small or big , depending on the pursued reward) of ending a week , or a month or a year under the expectation or in negative does exist ,  and is not a problem if dealt adequately. This is also a very important aspect that must be understood before being able to take advantage of this useful tool to improve your financial status.

Use the contact form for any question you might have.

If you are curious to know more in general , here is a nice article from the web and will give you a generic explanation below:

This is the simplest reason to invest and is often at the core of why people buy stocks:

When done right, you can grow the money you invest by anywhere from 7% — 10% per year over the long term.

If you invest $10,000 in the stock market today and it gains roughly 7% per year, you’ll turn that $10,000 into $20,000 in just 10 years.

Think about that.

Imagine 10 years ago you put $10,000 into an account, invested it in some stocks, made some trades, and now 10 years later you have your original $10,000 plus another $10,000 you made from investing.

Or, imagine a longer-term example where you’re both a good saver and a smart investor. Imagine you invest $10,000 of your savings into the market every year for 30 years.

That’s $10,000 this year, another $10,000 next year, another $10,000 the year after that, and so on for 30 years.

So in total, you will have invested $300,000 in stocks over 30 years ($10,000 per year x 30 years).

And let’s assume you achieve the same average yearly returns we used above, 7% per year.

So you’ve invested a total of $300,000 over 30 years — but guess how much you have in your account at the end of that 30 years.

You know it’s going to more than the $300,000 you invested over 30 years, because the money will have grown because you invested it in stocks.

But it’s how much it’s growth that’s truly surprising. That $10,000 investment per year for 30 years would now be worth $1,010,730.

Bottom line — through regular investing, you can turn $10,000 per year into more than a million dollars over 30 years.

Now, $300,000 of that million dollars is the money you directly invested each year. But the other $710,730 is money you made from investing in stocks.

Here's an image to describe this scenario:

Note that the blue section of each bar is the cumulative amount you have deposited (your $10,000 in savings each year) and the larger gray section of the bar is profit you made in the stock market.

The point is not the specific numbers, returns, or time horizons. Those will all differ greatly from person to person.

The important point is that investing in the stock market can make your money grow much larger over time. And that’s the #1 reason people invest in stocks.

Overall, stocks have tended to rise over the last 100 years.

Yes, there have absolutely been nasty crashes, pullbacks, and periods of bad performance. But overall, stocks have formed a steady march upwards as the U.S. and global economies have grown.

For example, here’s the S&P 500 (which is a group of 500 large companies) from January, 1928 — July, 2019.

While there are lots of ups and downs along the way, the market has generally moved upwards. And if you bought stocks and held them for 30, 40, or even 50 years, you would’ve made a lot of money.

In fact, just one single dollar invested in the shares of small companies (known as small cap stocks) in 1926 would be worth nearly $40,000 today!

Many people invest in stocks simply because the odds are in their favor that over time, the market will go up and earn them money.

If you earn a good steady return on your investments (nothing crazy, just a good return) over a long time period (like 30, 40, 50, 60, or more years), that investment grows WAY bigger than seems possible.

For example, we covered above how investing just $10,000 per year for 30 years while earning a 7% yearly return turned into well over a million dollars.

But let’s look at an even longer timeline.

Let’s say you followed that same strategy (investing just $10,000 per year and earning 7% returns per year) for 60 years, instead of just 30 years.

Now your regular investment of just $10,000 will have grown to an astounding $8,104,668!

Yup, there’s a reason people often call it “the magic of compound interest.”

Here’s the bottom line…

If you start early, save steadily, and invest intelligently, your money can grow in truly amazing ways over time.

Invest in Stocks Because Money Sitting in Cash Will Lose Its Value

You’ve probably heard of inflation before, but it’s sort of a strange concept.

To put it simply, think of inflation as the slow but steady force that makes things cost more over time.

Remember how your grandfather could go see a movie for a dollar? Well now it costs you $10, $15, or even $20 to go see a movie. That’s largely because inflation makes the price of products and services go up over time.

What that means for you is that your hard-earned money is slowly losing its value over time.

Terrifying, I know.

For example, if you save $10,000 this year and put it under your mattress for the next 30 years, it won’t be $10,000 when you take it back out…

I mean, yes, it will still be 10,000 U.S. Dollars. But it won’t be worth what it was worth when you first earned it.

So if your $10,000 today could buy you an incredible trip around the world, in 30 years when you take it out from under your mattress it may only be able to buy you two nights in a nearby hotel.

Inflation can vary over time and I’m not going to get into too much detail here. But just remember this: When your money is sitting in cash it is steadily eroding in value.

How fast does it erode? That depends on the current rate of inflation.

Since the year 2000, the annual inflation rate has mostly been between 1% — 4%. That means every year your money’s buying power erodes by 1% — 4%.


If you buy treasury bonds or put your money in a Certificate of Deposit (CD) at your local bank, you’ll probably earn just enough to avoid inflation. But even that’s not a great deal, because in the stock market you could earn so much more.

For example, the 2018 average inflation rate in the U.S. was 2.4% per year. The best CD rate I could find online was a six year CD from Amerant Bank offering 2.7% per year.

While that’s better than the current rate of inflation, it’s not by much. So the value of your money is basically just staying the same.

Think of it this way: If you have enough money saved up to buy a new Car today, and you put that money:

 - under your mattress: in 30 years you can only buy the equivalent of a bicycle

- Invested in the stock market: you could potentially buy the equivalent of an expensive exotic car.

Invest in Stocks Because You’ll Make More Than Other Investments

Looking back at history, stocks have earned more wealth for investors than most other investment options. On average, investors in the U.S. have profited more from buying stocks than from buying bonds, buying a home, or most other investment options.

For example, look at this chart which shows how much money you would have if you invested just one single dollar into large stocks, small stocks, government bonds, or treasury bills since 1926.

Not even close. Small stocks and large stocks leave bonds and treasury bills in the dust.

One exception may be investing in residential real estate (for example, buying an apartment building and renting out the units to tenants). Research suggests this could return nearly the same as stocks over the long term, once you consider both the slowly appreciating value of the property AND the value of the rent you collect.

I’ll dig into some other comparisons in another article, but for now just remember that stocks have historically been one of the best ways to grow your money.

If you’re fortunate enough to have some savings, you’re faced with a wide range of places to invest your hard-earned cash.

You could buy real estate, buy bonds, start a small business, invest in a mutual fund, collect precious coins, and much more.

Now, there’s definitely research to be done along the way to make sure you’re making the right investments for you. I’m not suggesting you buy some stocks and just forget about them.

But compare buying stocks to buying real estate or investing in a small business. Stocks are fast, easy, and cheap to trade, whereas real estate and many other investments are not.

Stocks are often called “liquid assets,” which just means they can be turned into cash relatively quickly.

For example, if you had $1,000,000 invested in the market at 3pm on a Tuesday and you wanted to get all your money out right away, you could most likely turn that million dollars into cash in a few minutes with just a few clicks.

On the other hand, an “illiquid asset” may take time and money to turn into cash. Think of owning a highly valuable painting. It would take you weeks (maybe months) and likely some money to find the right buyer and sell your painting at a fair price.

A lot of people invest in stocks because they feel like their money is never far away and can always be called home in an instant.

Research suggests that can be both a good thing and a bad thing.

Invest in Stocks to Save for Retirement

Many people invest in their retirement accounts not just for the tax-free returns discussed above, but because they want to have a nice big nest egg to live off when they retire.

You’ve heard it before (and I’ll say it again now and probably ten more times):

If you start investing when you’re young, you can build a tremendous amount of wealth for when you’re older.

Tax-free retirement accounts help fuel the growth in your investments, as do steady deposits from your regular income.

If you’d like to stop working at some point and don’t want to simply trust that social security will be there to support you and your family, investing in stocks can be a great way to save for retirement.

Dividend stocks are special because they pay you real hard cash on a regular basis.

Depending on the dividend stock you buy, it could pay you cash ranging from 1% up to 10% (and beyond) of the total money you invest, every year.

For example, let’s pretend you buy a portfolio of 20 dividend stocks that overall (as a group) pay a dividend of 4% of your total investment. And let’s pretend you’ve just retired after a long and successful career, so you’re comfortable investing $500,000 of your life savings into this portfolio.

Every year, that portfolio of dividend stocks would pay $20,000 in cash into your account just for owning them ($500,000 investment x 4% annual dividends = $20,000 per year).

Most dividends are paid quarterly, meaning that $20,000 in dividends would arrive a little bit at a time throughout the year (not as a single $20,000 payment all at once).

And that doesn’t even account for the likelihood that those stocks will go up over time, which would make you even more money!

Retirees tend to like dividend stocks because regardless of whether the market goes up or down, they receive a steady dividend check of cold hard cash.

Buying stocks allows you to diversify how your money is invested and how you make income for yourself and your family.

What does it mean to “diversify?”

Basically, the more ways you have to make money, the less you’re at risk from getting in financial trouble if any one method gets disrupted.

For example, let’s pretend you have a full-time job, rent out an extra room in your house to a college student, occasionally do handy work on the weekends, and invest in dividend stocks.

If any one of those sources of income were to dry up (for example, you lost your full-time job or you hurt your back and couldn’t do handy work), you wouldn’t totally lose your income. Because you have some diversity of income, the extra room rental and dividend stocks could help carry you through a rough patch.

It’s the same concept with investing. Owning stocks can diversify how you earn returns on your money.

Maybe you’ve got some money in your company’s retirement plan, or saved in a bank account, or invested in CDs, or something else. Stocks can be another type of investment, diversifying against potential trouble in any one area.

When you buy even a single share of a company, you’re officially a part owner.

If you buy Apple (AAPL) stock, you’re actually an owner of the company.

Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, legally works for you!

Maybe you’re passionate about certain brands and products and would like to own a piece of the company you believe in.

And not only does that make you feel good, but it comes with another big benefit…

Invest in Stocks So You Can Vote on Big Issues You Care About

When you own shares in a company, you’re legally allowed to participate in shareholder votes on big issues. You can approve or deny things like a proposed merger, the hiring of a director to the board of directors, even executive compensation packages.

As an investor, you’re given a “proxy vote,” which means you can vote remotely (usually electronically or by mail) on major issues to be decided at the upcoming shareholder meeting.

If you’re passionate about a certain company, buying its stock is a great way to ensure you have a voice on some of their big decisions.

Done right, investing in stocks allows you to use money you already have to make more money with minimal effort.

Imagine you invest $10,000 in the stock market. How long did it take you to earn that $10,000? Keep in mind you probably had to earn a lot more than $10,000 to pay the tax man and then end up with $10,000 in your pocket.

So how long did it take you? Did it take six months? Three months? One month? One week? One day (wow, good job!)?

However long it took you to earn that $10,000, I’m guessing it was pretty hard work.

Now what if you could invest that $10,000 in the stock market, do some occasional research and trading, and over the course of 10 years turn that $10,000 into $20,000.

In other words, what if you could double your money in 10 years?

While the first $10,000 might have taken you weeks or months of hard work to earn, the $10,000 in profit you made in the market was earned while you were off doing other things.

That’s what they mean when they say, “Make your money work for you.”

It’s also what legendary investor Warren Buffet was thinking about when he said:

“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”

You’re out there working hard to earn $10,000 while your money is also out there working hard to earn you ANOTHER $10,000.

And how fast your money can earn that next $10,000 depends on how good an investor you are. The better you are at buying stocks, the faster your money will grow.

Now, of course, it’s not quite that simple. You can’t just throw your money in the stock market and it will automatically grow. There are many risks, pitfalls, and challenges along the way.

And the stock market isn’t right for everyone. It takes commitment, patience, smart decisions, and steady work to make your money grow over time. Skip out on any of those things and you risk losing money in stocks.

Yet , this is not a problem since Ascent was created also for this purpose: to work for the customer and make 

all the necessary work , investigations and commitments to increase wealth.

This concludes this generic guide , however much more information material can be found online for the most curious. 

If you want to take advantage of this precious tool to improve your wealth , or to have more informations you can contact us here or in the contact session.


Working from what it is possible to consider as the

" Capital of the European Union "  i.e. Berlin , many are the projects and occasions that could bring fair revenue and amazing development results.

Ascent regroups and mediates between investors interested in private equity . 

More capital opens the doors to unique business opportunities , and cooperation can make the difference in an increasing era of revolution in the markets , politics and environment.

Some people find it more pleasant to physically take part in meetings and discussion for the creation/acquisition of a business that is not publicly listed.

For this reason you can contact us , and we will discuss all possible projects that can be created or bought in Germany , European Union , and more.

How many members , how much capital is needed , where to set up a company , this is what will be discussed with you at first opportunity.

You are welcome to contact us anytime here or in the contact section.









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